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    What is gelatin like mixture that flows inside the cell membrane?
    The gelatin-like mixture that flows inside the cell membrane is called cytoplasm .

    Här är en uppdelning:

    * Cytoplasm: This is the gel-like substance that fills the space between the cell membrane and the nucleus. It's a complex mixture of water, salts, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and other organic molecules.

    * Gelatin-like: The cytoplasm has a semi-fluid consistency, meaning it's not completely liquid but not entirely solid either. This allows for movement of organelles and other cellular components within the cell.

    * Flowing: The cytoplasm is in constant motion, enabling the transport of nutrients, waste products, and other molecules throughout the cell.

    Viktig anmärkning: Medan termen "gelatinliknande" används för att beskriva konsistensen i cytoplasma, är det viktigt att komma ihåg att den inte är gjord av gelatin. The cytoplasm is a much more complex and dynamic substance.

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