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    two geographical regions are separated by?
    Two geographical regions can be separated by a variety of features, both physical and human-made. Här är några exempel:

    Fysiska funktioner:

    * Berg: The Himalayas separate India from China, and the Andes separate Argentina from Chile.

    * Oceans: The Atlantic Ocean separates Europe from North America.

    * öknar: The Sahara Desert separates North Africa from the Sahel region.

    * floder: The Mississippi River separates the Midwest of the United States from the Southeast.

    * Lakes: Lake Baikal separates Russia from Mongolia.

    * dalar: The San Fernando Valley separates the Hollywood Hills from the Santa Monica Mountains in California.

    * platåer: The Tibetan Plateau separates India from China.

    * canyons: The Grand Canyon separates the North Rim from the South Rim.

    * Climatic Zones: The Arctic Circle separates the Arctic from the subarctic region.

    Human-made Features:

    * Borders: Political boundaries drawn on maps.

    * Walls: The Great Wall of China once separated China from nomadic tribes.

    * kanaler: The Panama Canal separates North America from South America.

    * Roads: A highway can act as a divider between two regions with different characteristics.

    Det är viktigt att komma ihåg att gränserna ofta är flytande och kan förändras över tid på grund av naturliga processer, mänsklig aktivitet och politiska händelser.

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